One must find joy where one can. If you’re drinking $100 wines nightly, or even weekly, I want to be your neighbor. If one wants to seek real value for their dollar one looks for QPRs. Quality (is it good? Does it drink like a more expensive wine?) to price ($ paid) ratio (was it worth what you paid? Hopefully you can perceive it as being worth more).
The debate enters when QPRs are perceived as cheap or inexpensive wines. I think an injustice is being done if you lump all QPRs into the sub $20 range. I myself am finding them in many ranges. Here’s a few of my last years range’s range: $9, $23, $39, $90. What they are is not important. What they have in common to me is. They are all QPRs in their price range. That means they drink like a wine valued more than itself. My reasoning or justification is simple enough, to me. What they mean to you is surely different. Just please don’t confuse QPRs with cheap everyday drinkers, for if I could drink that 2003 Kobalt Cabernet ($90) as an everyday wine, I may need to do a George Jefferson.
Anything available in your neighborhood?